In the distant past, two groups, a Chinese one and a Japanese one, decide to prove who have the better country by making a boat course. They decide the date and the boat the will take one mouths before the course.
The day of the course comes on a day of great storm. They are a bit afraid by it, but they decide to race anyway. Both prepare their boat and their equipment.
When they start, the time is pretty good. They are racing closer one to the other, and neither one nor the other wants to lose. So each team decides to go faster.
But when they arrive on the high seas, they are not able to slow their boat. Both boats are beginning to be buffeted by the waves and ocean currents. They captain of each team try to give the order to his team, but the sound of the great storm is bigger than his voice, so the teams do not know what they need to do. Each member starts to be afraid and they put all the equipment on the water to try to save their life.
Each team start to pray to their gods, but the great storm continues to destroy their chance to live.
At one time, both boat begin to sink into the sea, the crews try to survive by clinging to pieces of wood.
There is only one person who survive, and this person make this painting to always remember him that no one of the Chinese and the Japanese is better than the other.
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